Advancing Health Care Transition:
Multi-Stakeholder Roundtable Report
In the summer of 2012, The HSC Foundation, in partnership with Physician-Parent Caregivers (PPC) and the Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL), hosted a model multi-stakeholder roundtable to discuss how to advance health care transition in an era of post-health care reform, dwindling medical resources, and a struggling economy. The discussion topics included:
1) Meeting the health care needs of youth and young adults with chronic conditions and disabilities;
2) Transformation of primary care in health care transition; and
3) Improving the health care workforce for health care transition.
A sense of urgency is needed if the rate of progress for young adults with chronic conditions and disabilities is to keep pace with their growth and development. Society, policy, and medicine must understand that the prevalence of this population is only increas- ing, and the longer their needs are ignored, the greater they will need medical care and public assistance. And, they are growing into adulthood and aging with their conditions.
The primary issues to be tackled include the following:
Improve data collection systems for young adults with chronic conditions and disabilities;
Promote payment reform for health care transition and care of childhood-onset of chronic conditions and disabilities;
Expand the size of the health care workforce to care for these young adults; and
Prepare and train the health care workforce to provide quality health care for these young adults as they age with their disabilities.​
All young people have the right to dream, but until this population is made a national priority, their dreams will be thwarted by their continued struggle to access quality health care, self-manage their health, and manage medical bills. Like children, they need some guidance; like their peers, they can achieve their goals, given the right support and encouragement.